What Is a Casino?


The term “casino” refers to public places where games of chance are played. While gambling is the primary activity in a casino, the typical establishment also offers other luxuries that attract players. These amenities can include free drinks and restaurants, stage shows and dramatic scenery. However, even places that aren’t so upscale still qualify as casinos. For instance, a casino in Las Vegas might not have as many luxurious amenities. But they still qualify as casinos in the eyes of law enforcement officials.

Today’s casinos are typically comprised of two parts: a physical security force and a specialized surveillance department. The former is the group that patrols the casino grounds and responds to calls for assistance. The latter operates the closed circuit television system, otherwise known as the “eye in the sky.” These two departments work closely together to ensure the safety of guests and protect casino assets. In most cases, they have proven to be successful in preventing crime.

One common misconception about casino gambling is that casinos change their payout rates on certain days or at certain times. For instance, on Fridays, slot machines tend to pay more. This is to attract more players and keep the casino occupied. But in reality, this is not the case. The casino is not likely to stop serving you if someone suspects you of card counting. If you do play at the wrong time, you will likely attract a lot of attention.